Long Parliament

Parliaments of England
Parliament Members
Final parliament of Elizabeth I (1601)
1st parliament of King James I (1604)
Addled Parliament (1614)
3rd parliament of King James I (1621)
Happy Parliament (1624)
Useless Parliament (1625)
2nd Parliament of King Charles I (1626)
3rd parliament of King Charles I (1628)
Short Parliament (1640 Apr)
Long Parliament (1) (1640 Nov)
Long Parliament (2) (1645)
Rump Parliament (1648)
Barebone's Parliament (1653)
First Protectorate Parliament (1654)
Second Protectorate Parliament (1656)
Third Protectorate Parliament (1659)
Restored Rump Parliament (1659)
Convention Parliament (1660)
Cavalier Parliament (1661)
List of Parliaments of England

The Long Parliament was made on 3 November 1640,[1] following the Bishops' Wars. It received its name from the fact that through an Act of Parliament, it could only be dissolved with the agreement of the members,[2] and those members did not agree to its dissolution until after the English Civil War and at the end of Interregnum in 1660.[3] It sat from 1640 until 1648, when it was purged, by the New Model Army, of those who were not sympathetic to the Army's concerns. In the chaos following the death of Oliver Cromwell in 1658, General George Monck allowed the members barred in 1648 to retake their seats so that they could pass the necessary legislation to allow the Restoration and dissolve the Long Parliament. This cleared the way for a new Parliament, known as the Convention Parliament, to be elected.



The sole reason Charles I assembled Parliament in 1640 was to ask it to pass finance bills, since the Bishops' Wars had bankrupted him. Edward Hyde recalled the subdued tone of his entrance to Parliament:

Shortly before the advent of the Long Parliament, Sir Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford had formed an intrigue, and been most active in conducting it, the object of which was to prevent Sir Henry Vane the Elder's elevation to the office of Secretary of State. This unfortunate quarrel became the fruitful source of infinite evil to King Charles I and to his government. Two parties were formed in the cabinet, and through all the branches of the government. Wentworth was supported by the favor of the King, and Vane by the zealous, and, as the event proved, the effectual influence of the Queen. [4]

The Long Parliament comprised "a set of the greatest geniuses for government, that the world ever saw embarked together in one common cause" and whose actions produced an effect, which, at the time, made their country the wonder and admiration of the world, and is still felt and exhibited far beyond the borders of that country, in the progress of reform, and the advancement of popular liberty. [5]

The Parliament was initially influenced by John Pym (1584-1643) and his supporters. Mr. Pym was the most experienced members of the House, and one of the ablest men that ever held a seat in it. He rose in his place and entered into a particular enumeration of the troubles of the kingdom. Early in the Long Parliament's proceedings the house unanimously accused the Earl of Strafford of high treason, and other crimes and misdemeanors. The Peers were left with no alternative and Strafford (Thomas Wentworth) was committed to the Tower, and later executed. As the King was implicated through notes obtained by the Henry Vane, the Younger written in the King's Privy Council by the elder Vane and confirmed by independent testimony: Lord Stafford said, "Sir, you have done your duty, and your subjects have failed in theirs; and therefore you are absolved from the rules of government, and may supply yourself by extraordinary ways; you have an army in Ireland, with which you may reduce the kingdom." [6].

In August 1641, the Long Parliament enacted legislation depriving Charles I of the powers that he had assumed since his accession. The reforms were designed to negate the possibility of Charles ruling absolutely again. The parliament also freed those imprisoned by the Star Chamber. The Triennial Act of 1641, also known as the Dissolution Act, was passed, requiring that no more than three years should elapse between sessions of Parliament. Parliament was also responsible for the impeachment and subsequent execution of the king's advisers, Archbishop William Laud and Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford.

The Irish Rebellion which started in October 1641 brought the control of the army back into the discussions between King and Parliament. Led by John Pym, Parliament presented the King with the Grand Remonstrance which was passed in the House of Commons by 11 votes (159–148) on 22 November 1641. It listed over 150 perceived "misdeeds" of Charles' reign including the Church (under the influence of foreign papists) and royal advisers (also "have[ing] engaged themselves to further the interests of some foreign powers") the second half of the Remonstrance proposed solutions to the "misdeeds" including church reform and Parliamentary influence over the appointment of royal ministers. December 1641 Parliament asserted that it wanted control over the appointment of the commanders of the Army and Navy in the Militia Ordinance. The king rejected the Grand Remonstrance and refused to give royal assent to the militia bill.

The King believed that Puritans (or Dissenters) encouraged by five vociferous members of the House of Commons, John Pym, John Hampden, Denzil Holles, Sir Arthur Haselrig and William Strode along with Viscount Mandeville (the future Earl of Manchester) who sat in the House of Lords, had encouraged the Scots to invade England in the recent Bishops' Wars and that they were intent on turning the London mob against him. When rumours reached the court that they were also planning to impeach the Queen for alleged involvement in Catholic plots Charles decided to arrest them for treason. The counter claim was that the King had an Irish army set to reduce the kingdom.

The Speaker of the House during the Long Parliament was William Lenthall. On Tuesday, 4 January 1642,[1] the King entered the House of Commons to seize the five members and took the speaker's chair. Having looked around in vain for the five members and commenting "I see the birds have flown", Charles turned to Lenthall, who stood below and demanded of him whether any of those persons were in the House, whether he saw any of them and where they were. Lenthall fell on his knees and replied: "May it please your Majesty, I have neither eyes to see nor tongue to speak in this place but as the House is pleased to direct me, whose servant I am here."[7]

After his failure to capture the five members and fearing for his family's lives, Charles left London for Oxford. Most of the royalist members of Parliament joined him there, where they formed the Oxford Parliament. The Long Parliament continued to sit during and beyond the Civil War without its royalist members, because of the Dissolution Act.

In March 1642 with the King absent from London and the war clouds gathering, Parliament decreed that its own Parliamentary Ordinances were valid laws, even without royal assent. The Militia Ordinance was passed on 5 March by Parliament which gave Parliament control of the local militia called Trained Bands. Control of the London trained bands was the most strategically critical, because they could protect the radical members of Parliament from armed intervention against them by any soldiers which Charles had near the capital. In response to the Militia Ordinance, Charles revived the Commissions of Array as a means of summoning an army instead. For his part, it appears that King Charles I did cooperate with the independent investigation made by the house on the policies of his administration. It was not the initial intent of this Parliament to abjure the King's person. "During the negotiations with the King, he manifested a fixed resolution to do all that could be done to make the best of the opportunity the country then enjoyed, of securing to itself the blessings of liberty." Eventually King Charles the I's terms of reforming the government as proposed by the Long Parliment were accepted by the House at a vote of 129 to 83 on 1 December 1648 allowing for the King's restoration and the end of the stalemate between Parliament and the King. Legally, this should have ended the Civil War and restored the King with limited powers[8]

1649–1653 Rump Parliament

Divisions emerged between various factions, culminating in Pride's Purge on 7 December 1648, when, under the orders of Oliver Cromwell's son-in-law Henry Ireton, Colonel Pride physically barred and arrested 41 of the members of Parliament. Many of the excluded members were Presbyterians. Henry Vane the younger removed himself from Parliament in protest of this unlawful action by Ireton, and was not party to the execution of Charles I, though Cromwell was. In the wake of the ejections, the remnant, the Rump Parliament, arranged for the trial and execution of Charles I on 30 January 1649. It was also responsible for the setting up of the Commonwealth of England in 1649.

Henry Vane the Younger, was persuaded to rejoin Parliament on 17 February 1649 and a Council of state was installed, into whose hands the executive government of the nation was committed. Sir Henry Vane was appointed a member of the Council. Cromwell used great pains to induce Vane to accept the appointment, and after many consultations, he so far prevailed in satisfying Vane of the purity of his principles in reference to the Commonwealth, as to overcome his reluctance again to enter the public service. Sir Henry Vane was for some time President of the Council, and, as Treasurer and Commissioner for the Navy, he had almost the exclusive direction of that branch of public service. [9]

Cromwell "well knew that while the Long Parliament, that noble company, who had fought the great battle of liberty from the beginning, remained in session, and such men as Vane were enabled to mingle in its deliberations, it would be utterly useless for him to think of executing his purposes (to set up a Protectorate or Dictatorship). Henry Vane was working on a Reform Bill. Cromwell knew "that if the Reform Bill should be suffered to pass, and a House of Commons be convened, freely elected on popular principles, and constituting a full and fair and equal representation, it would be impossible ever after to overthrow the liberties of the people, or break down the government of the country." According to General Ludlow, this reform bill provided for an equal representation of the people, disfranchised several boroughs which had ceased to have a population in proportion to representation, fixed the number of the House at four hundred" [10]. It would have "secured to England and to the rest of the world the blessings of republican institutions, two centuries earlier than can now be expected." [11].

"Harrison, who was in Cromwell's confidence on this occasion, rose to debate the motion, merely in order to gain time. Word was carried to Cromwell, that the House were on the point of putting the final motion; and Colonel Ingoldby hastened to Whitehall to tell him, that, if he intended to do anything decisive, he had no time to lose." Once the troops were in place Cromwell entered the assembly. He was dressed in a suit of plain black; with grey worsted stockings. He took his seat; and appeared to be listening to the debate. As the Speaker was about to rise to put the question, Cromwell whispered to Harrison, "Now is the time; I must do it." As he rose, his countenance became flushed and blacked by the terrific passions, which the crisis awakened. With the most reckless violence of manner and language, he abused the character of the House; and, after the first burst of his denunciations had passed, suddenly changing his tone, he exclaimed, "You think, perhaps, this is not parliamentary language; I know it; nor are you to expect such from me." He then advanced out into the middle of the hall, and walked to and fro, like a man beside himself. In a few moments he stamped upon the floor, the doors flew open and a file of musketeers entered. As they advance, Cromwell exclaimed, looking over the House, "You are no Parliament; I say you are no Parliament; begone, and give place to honester men." [12].

"While this extraordinary scene was transacting, the members, hardly believing their own ears and eyes, sat in mute amazement, horror, and pity of the maniac traitor who was storming and raving before them. At length Vane rose to remonstrate, and call him to his senses; but Cromwell, instead of listening to him, drowned his voice, repeating with great vehemence, and as though with the desperate excitement of the moment, "Sir Harry Vane! Sir Harry Vane! Good Lord deliver me from Sir Harry Vane!" He then seized the records, snatched the bill from the hands of the clerk, drove the members out at the point of the bayonet, locked the doors, put the key in his pocket, and returned to Whitehall.[13].

Oliver Cromwell forcibly disbanded the Rump in 1653 when it seemed they might institute a purely representative form of Government and undermine his plan to install himself as dictator. It was followed by the Barebones Parliament and then the First, Second and Third Protectorate Parliament

1659 recall and 1660 restoration

After Richard Cromwell, who had succeeded his father Oliver as Lord Protector in 1658, was effectively deposed by an officers' coup in April, 1659, the officers re-summoned the Rump Parliament to sit. It convened on 7 May 1659, but after five months in power it again clashed with the army (led by John Lambert) and was again forcibly dissolved on 13 October 1659. Once again, Sir Henry Vane was the leading catalyst for the republican cause in opposition to force by the military.

The persons connected with the administration as it existed at the death of Oliver, were of course interested in keeping things as they were; and, as it was necessary for some one to assume the reins of government until the public will could be ascertained and brought into exercise. Henry Vane was elected to Parliament at Kingston upon Hull, but the certificate was given to another. Vane proceeded to Bristol, entered the canvass, and received the majority. Again the certificate was given to another. Finally Vane proceeded to Whitechurch in Hampshire and was elected a third time and was this time seated in Parliament. Vane managed the debates on behalf of the House of Commons. One of Vane's speeches effectively ended Richard Cromwell's career:

"Mr. Speaker, among all the people of the universe, I know none who have shown so much zeal for the liberty of their country, as the English, at this time, have done. They have, by the help of Divine Providence, overcome all obstacles, and have made themselves free...I know not by what misfortune, we are fallen into the error of those, who poised the Emperor Titus to make room for Domitian, who made away Augustus that they might have Tiberius, and changed Claudius for Nero...whereas the people of England are now renowned, all over the world, for their great virtue and discipline; and yet suffer an idiot, without courage, without sense, nay, without ambition, to have dominion in a country of liberty. One could bear a little with Oliver Cromwell, though, contrary to his oath of fidelity to Parliament, contrary to his duty to the public,...But as for Richard Cromwell, his son, who is he? Where are his titles...For my part, I declare, Sir, it shall never be said that I made such a man my master."

This speech swept everything before it. The Long Parliament which Oliver Cromwell had dispersed in 1653 was once more summoned to assemble, by a declaration from the council of officers dated on 6 May 1659.[14].

Rule then passed to an unelected Committee of Safety, including Lambert and Vane. George Monck, realizing the military stood to lose power; shifted his loyalty to the Crown but as General George Monck, who had been Cromwell's viceroy in Scotland, began to march south, Lambert, who had ridden out to face him, lost support in London. The Navy declared for Parliament, and on 26 December 1659 the Rump was restored to power.

Monck, whom Lambert had failed to confront, continued his southward march. On 3 February 1660, Monck arrived in London. After an initial show of deference to the Rump, Monck quickly found them unwilling to cooperate with his plan for a free election of a new parliament (the Rump Parliament believed Monck was accountable to them and had its own plan for free elections); so on 21 February 1660 he forcibly reinstated the members 'secluded' by Pride, so that they could prepare legislation for the Convention Parliament. Having called for elections for a Parliament to meet on 25 April, the Long Parliament was effectively dissolved on 16 March 1660.

Sir Henry Vane, was of course, one of the first to fall vicim to the treachery of the army and the new Parliament. In framing the Act of Indemnity and Oblivion, the House of Commons were unwilling to except Sir Henry Vane from its benefits. But the House of Lords were desirous of having him excepted, so as to leave him at the mercy of the government and thus restrain him from the exercise of his great talents in promoting his favorite republican principles at any time during the remainder of his life. At a conference between the two Houses, it was concluded that the Commons should consent to except him from the act of indemnity, the Lords agreeing, on their part, to concur with the other House in petitioning the King, in case of the condemnation of Vane, not to carry the sentence into execution. General Edmond Ludlow, still loyal to the Rump Parliament was also excepted. [15].

According to contemporary royalist legal theory, the Long Parliament was regarded as having been automatically dissolved from the moment of Charles I's execution on 30 January 1649. This view was confirmed by a court ruling during the treason trial of Henry Vane the Younger. A ruling that Henry Vane himself had concurred with in opposition to Oliver Cromwell earlier. However it is a well know fact that the trial given to Henry Vane as to his own person, and defense of his own part played for the Long Parliament was a forgone conclusion. It was not a fair trial as both his defense, and deportment at the time of defense bears out. He was not given legal council (other than the judges that sat at his trial); and was left to conduct his own defense after years in prison. He maintained the following at his trial:

1. Whether the collective body of the Parliament can be impeached of high treason?

2. Whether any person, acting by authority of Parliament, can (so long as he acting by that authority) commit treason?

3. Whether matters, acted by that authority, can be called in question in an inferior court?

4. Whether a king de jure, and out of possession, can have treason committed against him?

King Charles II did not keep the promise made to the house but executed the sentence of death on Sir Henry Vane the Younger. The solicitor, openly declared in his speech afterwords "that he (Henry Vane) must be made a public sacrifice." One of his judges stated: "We knew not how to answer him, but we know what to do with him."

The Long Parliament began with the execution of Lord Stafford, and effectively ended with the execution of Henry Vane the Younger.

The goal and aim of the Long Parliament was to institute a constitutional, balanced, and equally representative form of government along similar lines as were later accomplished in America by the American Revolution; and also in England 120 years later through due process. The republican theory is that the Long Parliament would have been successful in these necessary reforms except through the forceful intervention of Oliver Cromwell (and others) in removing the loyalists party, unlawful execution of the King, and later dissolving the Rump Parliament; and finally the forceful dissolution of the reconvened Rump Parliament by Monck. [16].

Notable members of the Long Parliament

Time line

See also

Further reading


  1. ^ a b This article uses the Julian calendar with the start of year adjusted to 1 January (For a more detailed explanation, see Old Style and New Style dates: Differences between the start of the year)
  2. ^ Full text of the Act against Dissolving the Long Parliament without its own Consent 11 May 1641
  3. ^ House of Commons Journal Volume 7: Dissolving Parliament {{Verify credibility}[unreliable source? The source of this quote is challenged. It's date is 1659 but as Mr. Pyrm is cited as an actor in the first paragraph. This is impossible because Mr. Pyrm died in 1643. Someone with access to the original needs to check this.} 16 March 1660 (New Style)
  4. ^ Upham,Charles Wentworth, "Life of Sir. Henry Vane, Fourth Governor of Massachusetts" in "The Library of American Biography conducted by Jared Sparks" p.168-169, 1844
  5. ^ Upham,Charles Wentworth, "Life of Sir. Henry Vane, Fourth Governor of Massachusetts" in "The Library of American Biography conducted by Jared Sparks" p.173
  6. ^ Upham,Charles Wentworth, "Life of Sir. Henry Vane, Fourth Governor of Massachusetts" in "The Library of American Biography conducted by Jared Sparks" p.187
  7. ^ By the time he consented to appear as a witness against the regicide Thomas Scot, Lenthall seems to have forgotten the resolve he possessed whilst Speaker.
  8. ^ Upham,Charles Wentworth, "Life of Sir. Henry Vane, Fourth Governor of Massachusetts" in "The Library of American Biography conducted by Jared Sparks" p.223, 227
  9. ^ Upham,Charles Wentworth, "Life of Sir. Henry Vane, Fourth Governor of Massachusetts" in "The Library of American Biography conducted by Jared Sparks" p.230-231
  10. ^ Upham,Charles Wentworth, "Life of Sir. Henry Vane, Fourth Governor of Massachusetts" in "The Library of American Biography conducted by Jared Sparks" p.240
  11. ^ Upham,Charles Wentworth, "Life of Sir. Henry Vane, Fourth Governor of Massachusetts" in "The Library of American Biography conducted by Jared Sparks" p.240
  12. ^ Upham,Charles Wentworth, "Life of Sir. Henry Vane, Fourth Governor of Massachusetts" in "The Library of American Biography conducted by Jared Sparks" p.241-242
  13. ^ Upham,Charles Wentworth, "Life of Sir. Henry Vane, Fourth Governor of Massachusetts" in "The Library of American Biography conducted by Jared Sparks" p.242-243
  14. ^ Upham,Charles Wentworth, "Life of Sir. Henry Vane, Fourth Governor of Massachusetts" in "The Library of American Biography conducted by Jared Sparks" p.291-294
  15. ^ Upham,Charles Wentworth, "Life of Sir. Henry Vane, Fourth Governor of Massachusetts" in "The Library of American Biography conducted by Jared Sparks" p.291-294
  16. ^ Upham,Charles Wentworth, "Life of Sir. Henry Vane, Fourth Governor of Massachusetts" in "The Library of American Biography conducted by Jared Sparks" p.371-393